Winter Checklist for Your Plumbing

Steve Kirkland • November 11, 2022

Make sure your plumbing is all set for winter!

Winter is here in Burlington, MA, which means it’s time for snow, sledding, and holidays. While the winter brings a lot of excitement and joy, it is also important to make sure to secure and prepare your house for freezing temperatures. Before it gets too cold, consider going through this checklist to make sure your plumbing is all set for winter.

Make sure your plumbing is all set for winter!

Action Item #1: Fix Leaks

Take the time to check all of your faucets and pipes for any potential leaks, and don’t forget your outside faucets. Even the smallest of leaks can result in a frozen pipe, which could cause an expensive plumbing disaster. If you’re not sure how to check for leaks, feel free to contact us at Kirkland and Shaw Plumbing and Heating, and we would be happy to help guide you through the process.

Action Item #2: Insulate Pipes

One of the best ways to prevent a freezing pipe is to make sure it is properly insulated. You can accomplish this by wrapping either temperature regulated heating cables or heating tape around your pipes. While you are insulating your pipes, check for any cool air leaks around your pipes and patch those up as well. Keeping your pipes warm will help you prevent frozen pipes.

Action Item #3: Drain Water

Take a minute to think about any place in your house that may contain loose water. This includes swamp coolers, hoses, sprinkler systems, wells, and more. Make sure that the water is 100% drained from any of these systems before temperatures start to drop. Take extra care when dealing with your sprinkler systems. Not only will you want to flush the system, but make sure to turn off the water valves.

Action Item #4: Water Main

The last item of business is to make sure you know where your water main is located. In the event that you do experience a burst pipe or other water emergency, you will need to be able to shut off the water immediately.

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